Kosta Peric x Briana Marbury: Digital Payments: A Revolution in Financial Inclusion

Kelly Weimert

Brand writer for Coil

Coil’s TwitterSpaces series hosts thoughtful conversations between developers, thought leaders, creators, and other bright minds working to shape the future of the web and the ways in which we interact with and navigate it.

On October 4th, Coil hosted a TwitterSpaces conversation between Briana Marbury, the Executive Director of the Interledger Foundation, and Kosta Peric, the Deputy Director for Financial Services for the Poor at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and a board member of the Interledger Foundation. 

Briana and Kosta discuss Kosta’s passion for and dedication to financial inclusion, along with his latest projects focused on increasing global payment access. 

The pair also dig into Interledger, including how Interledger solves payments’ interoperability problem, and its potential to connect payments no matter their size, from pico machine-to-machine payments to mega payments across countries. 

Plus, you'll learn:

  • Kosta’s take on the relationship between cryptocurrency and financial inclusion
  • How economic headwinds affect financial innovation
  • Kosta’s favorite new products and startups making waves in the financial sector

We hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did! Follow @Coil to stay current on the latest TwitterSpaces conversations between some of the web’s best and brightest. 

On October 4th, Coil hosted a TwitterSpaces conversation between Briana Marbury, the Executive Director of the Interledger Foundation, and Kosta Peric, the Deputy Director for Financial Services for the Poor at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and a board member of the Interledger Foundation.

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